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I'm an Midlothian based birth doula covering Edinburgh, East Lothian, West Lothian and Fife.


I'm a trained birth educator, doula and postnatal class / baby massage teacher, and I've also trained in breastfeeding support and babywearing support amoung other things, with a strong background in Psychology to back it all up.  I also speak French, and a little German.


We have three school aged kids and when I'm not doing the school pick up or the club taxi I love running (not particularly fast, or far, just the way I like it), yoga, hiking, wild swimming and anything else a bit outdoorsy.  I love a bit of paddleboarding too so although I'm yet to stand up for more than 20 seconds, I have a lot of fun!  That all makes me sound very active though.  I'm really not.  I also love sitting in and binging on some new netflix series and eating yesterdays pizza leftovers.  I'm good with both extremes


I'm always trying to keep myself up to date with the latest in the birth world : I sit in on Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) meetings for the Lothians every other month, and regularly take on extra courses, most recently on LGBTQIA+ competency, racism in the maternity system and postnatal mental health.  I'm also an ongoing member of some learning collaboratives.


As your doula I will support your wishes, advocate strongly for you and your family, and help you find your own individual way to have an experience you feel proud of and truly fullfilled by.




2017 - The Daisy foundation

Perinatal Educator
- Antenatal classes and workshops (including pregnancy yoga, hypnobirthing through movement and birth hypnosis).
- Baby Massage & Baby Yoga classes
- Postnatal support classes


2018 - Breastfeeding network

Breastfeeding Helper
(trained as a member of the Midlothian Breastfeeding Alliance)

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2019 - Slingababy

Babywearing Peer Supporter

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2020 - Aromatherapy Diploma

An understanding of essential oils, anatomy, massage theory and techniques and aromatherapy practices.

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2021 - red tent doulas

Birth Doula Training


2021 - Beyond Bea

Baby Loss Training

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2021 - Mia Scotland

Postnatal Mental Health for birth professionals: Understanding problems for new families, know what to look for and make a difference.

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2021 - The Queer Birth Club

LGBT Competency in Birth and Beyond

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2022 - Optimal Birth

Biomechanics for Birth - understanding biomechanics and physiology of birth, techniques to help the pelvis and baby move into better positions for birth.

" I was so impressed with Julia’s knowledge of physiology,
psychology and general emotional factors around birth. "


Book your doula consultation today, or get in touch if you have any questions

Looking for a doula in Edinburgh or the Lothians?

I am an Edinburgh Doula, providing birth doula and postnatal doula support in Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian and beyond.


What does that all mean?  Head to this page to know more about what doula support means.

©2021 by Julia Iddir - Birth Doula

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